Hidden Gems: Meet Alex Johnson of Dapper Kutz Barber Lounge

Hidden Gems: Meet Alex Johnson of Dapper Kutz Barber Lounge

Hidden Gems: Meet Alex Johnson of Dapper Kutz Barber Lounge

Published on June 22nd, 2022.

Today, we’d like to introduce you to Alex Johnson. 

Hi Alex, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.

I am product of cosmetology and barbering. My parents were both in the field, so their talents and skills were passed on to me. My training and learning began at the age of 15. My parents instilled in me that it was necessary to have a trade or skill in order to be successful in the future. I had dual responsibilities while in my senior year of high school. I obtained my diploma Spring of 1989 and was awarded by Barber license September 1989. Throughout the years, I was groomed by my parents in my field. It was not until in the 2020, at the start of the pandemic, that I was presented with the opportunity to own my own barbershop. July 2020, Dapper Kutz Barber Lounge LLC was born. 

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?

A lot of Obstacles along the way made it a bumpy road. I had to relocate to a few shops due to closures and Ownership changes. Any Transition to a new shop results in a loss of Clientele requiring a rebuilding process. The loss of clients was a big hit in a different location, being the new guy in the shop. Marketing myself and showing my skill to build my clientele back was a struggle, cause not only servicing the client with a fresh look and showing my Profession in Barbering, but it is also building a relationship with every client. 

In the late 2000s, the economy impacted the barbering business. A lot of clients lost their jobs which impacted the business of them maintaining their normal schedule, which affected paying booth rent was a major struggle. Which resulted in part-time jobs. I took late-night shifts at midnight to 6 am in the morning, going home and taking power naps for a few hours or less. To getting back up to going back to the shop daily to maintain the Clientele that I worked hard for to build every day for a year or so. 

Then 2020 hit an Covid 19 pandemic would be the most noticeable struggle to overcome. Once everything shut down it prevented me from working. 

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about Dapper Kutz Barber Lounge LLC?

I have 30+ years as a Licensed Barber with my Most recent position as a Barber Shop Owner. 

I’ve spent some of my time Volunteering my services at Juvenile Detention Facilities. Prior to the start of the school year, I give back to the community by offering a free starter pack of School Supplies to all school-age children. I attended barber seminars to increase my knowledge on hair education. Prior to the pandemic, I participated in Barber Competitions to improve my skills as well as learning new Cutting techniques to elevate my profession. Although I have a diverse Clientele, I have a passion for serving Female Clients that are Cancer Survivors & those experiencing Auto-Immune Diseases that require changes to their Hairstyles. 

Be Inspired, Stay Inspired You’ll Never know Who You May Inspire 

Contact Info:

  • Instagram: @dkutz_2020
  • Twitter: @dapperkutz
  • Other: www.johnalex13.com

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