Meet Alex Johnson - Canvas Rebel

Meet Alex Johnson - Canvas Rebel

Meet Alex Johnson - Canvas Rebel
Posted on January 8, 2024

We were lucky to catch up with Alex Johnson recently and have shared our conversation below.

Hi Alex, thanks for joining us today. How has Covid changed your business model?

Being a 2nd Generation Barber Father retired, Mother Beautician retired as well alot has changed considerably from networking passing out flyers car to car, going from house to house Socail media has had alot of Boost and Trend with Styles today an Cuts. Upon Covid Pandemic brought about staying home working, or doing house calls for certain clients. Adapting to force change acquired Patience, Preserverance, networking social media for alot of Customers starting working from, Kids&Students were being home schooled. So covid changed alot drastically.

Alex, before we move on to more of these sorts of questions, can you take some time to bring our readers up to speed on you and what you do?

Professionally Cutting hair for 20+ Years in the game, I was always asked 1 major question with the sign of times, changing of the hairstyles how do I keep up with the latest trends of this Gen Z & Gen Alpha Millennials now. An really it’s not a straight answer to give. But it’s based on Networking with others, Educational Classes on Hair for the latest trends sharpening my skill set to the Next Level. Before Covid I wasn’t going by appts, so with alot Clientele the wait time was insane up to 2 hour wait sometimes having 5 to 6 Clients looking to be serviced. Covid forced me to do appts, to Strategized my Cut time, get more organized with clientele to accommodate clients being serviced to not have long wait times. Which was a problem I had good problem but yet bad as well cause I lost clients due to the change an learned that change is needed when its forced for that is what Covid did to the world for a wake up to reset your Business model, Reset my mind & Skill set. So I was ready for the task an understood the assignment for growth to become more successful in my profession. 3 Years in ownership has brought about alot of changes, but staying on the course being very focused on my craft.

Can you tell us about what’s worked well for you in terms of growing your clientele?

The most effective Strategy for growing my Clientele after Covid has been actually several things. The 1st was Yelp helping me not only in Branding but reaching out of my area for Potential Clients moving in the area looking for a new Barber. 2nd was Google of clients leaving Reviews which pulls my rank up higher on Google when clients searching for Barbers in the area with great service, an of course with good skill set with thise clippers & mainly dependable also adding online booking appts as well was great help. 3rd is incorporating booking appts thru my website showing my work, price services along with sell of products as well was a major help as well. With thus Barber profession Saturated with Barbers you have to be your competition. An not loose focus of your self worth.

What’s been the best source of new clients for you?

Best source of new clients after a Covid Pandemic has been Google. Social media became very impactful since 2020 considering you had Barbershops that shutdown much after Covid that didn’t survive. So I was determine to stay hitting up social media, Instagram, Facebook an Steady posting daily. Advancing my online booking thru my website an linking it to Google also was a very great addition to networking. Cutting hair is more than just trade but it also changes people’s Life’s to feel Motivated about themselves, when they look good they feel good an that feeling is undescribable.

“Once you start you have Succeeded, keep going an Finish An Make it a Success Story”

Stay Motivated Stay Focused

Contact Info:

  • Website:
  • Instagram: @dkutz_2020
  • Other: Other Instagram page is @johnalex_13 Thread page is johnalex_13

Image Credits
Images Provided by Dapper Kuts Barber Lounge llc Model Alex Johnson

You can read the original article here

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